Anderson Cooper to interview 90-year-old Zeta
Posted: October 21, 2011 - 6:14pm

will interview a 90-year-old Kansas woman who recently was invited to join the Washburn University
sorority she once dreamed of joining before World War II got in the way.
By Eric Smith
Just last week Lawrence resident Bertie McConnell celebrated her 90th birthday by accepting an invitation to join the women’s fraternity Zeta Tau Alpha at Washburn University.
Her story attracted national headlines, with around 175 media outlets, many through The Associated Press, reporting her story.
“It’s one of those stories that just makes you smile,” said Christy Barber, director of communications for Zeta’s international headquarters. “(It) just touched everybody on so many levels.”
But McConnell’s time in the spotlight isn’t over yet.
On Thursday, during homecoming week at Washburn, McConnell will return to campus for a special event.
Journalist Anderson Cooper, by satellite, will interview McConnell in front of the same Zeta chapter house where she would have attended events if not interrupted by World War II.
“She’s not only coming home to Zeta Tau Alpha, she’s coming home to Washburn,” Barber said.
Known for his evening television news show “Anderson Cooper 360°” on CNN and his work on “60 Minutes” on CBS, Cooper will speak with the new member of Zeta for his new daytime talk show “Anderson.”
“This is the man that is going to be talking to my mother, and saying, ‘Hi Bertie,’ ” said McConnell’s daughter Judith McConnell-Farmer, recalling just watching him the night before talking about Moammar Gadhafi’s death. “It’s incredible. He’s absolutely the No. 1 broadcaster in the world.”
The taping will begin at 1 p.m., and McConnell, McConnell-Farmer and Zeta Washburn chapter president Paige Martin will be interviewed.
It was McConnell-Farmer who originated the whole thing, wanting to do something for her mother’s birthday.
“Nobody knows what to get a women that age for their birthday,” said Barber, who with an 86-year-old mother was amazed at what a great gift it was.
Twenty members of the Washburn chapter — Alpha Mu — plan to be in attendance as well.
Also, Washburn officials said a Washburn University banner will be on display.
“It’s an exciting opportunity for the university, especially during homecoming week,” said Dena Anson, director of university relations at Washburn. “It really is a wonderful honor they’ve given Bertie.”
“Anderson” broadcasts in Topeka at 10 a.m. weekdays on Fox (KTMJ 43). The air date for when the taping would run on the show wasn’t known, but Barber said it will broadcast within a week of the interview.
McConnell was given an invitation to become a Zeta after postponing her dream to join the Washburn Greek organization in 1941 to help with the war effort.
She will officially join Zeta as an alumna on Dec. 4 when she is pledged and initiated. Barber said it will be the oldest age in which a Zeta has been initiated.
“She told us to hurry, though, because she’s 90,” Barber said of McConnell, whose birthday (Oct. 15, 1921) falls on the same day as the founding of the international Greek organization (Oct. 15, 1898).
“If there was ever something meant to be,” Barber said, “this is meant to be.”
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