...and all I got out of it was a damned poncho.
NEW YORK (CAP) (CNN) (P.E.T.E.R.) - Hello, this is Anderson Cooper reporting for Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN. Citing a "mistake of Biblical proportions," the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) is reporting that the famous Doomsday Clock, which measures how close humanity is to annihilation, was accidentally moved one hour forward this past weekend during the Daylight Savings Time change. As a result, it is now 12:55 am and it looks like we're goners -- and for that reason we'll have a double "RidicuList" tonite, so you can learn about the mess the cute but pretty stupid Santorum continues to emit.
"It appears the janitor at our doomsday offices changed the time on the microwave and the clock hanging in the lobby like he was supposed to, but he should have known not to touch the clock above the mantel," said BAS spokesperson Dr. Philip Schnell. "I mean, there's a sign right below it that says Doomsday Clock - Don't Touch.
"I know it's not good, but you'll be happy to know that we did discipline him," added Schnell. "We docked his pay an hour and sent him home early."
The janitor, identified only as "Rush L.," is believed to be the same one who accidentally locked the keys to the Svalbard doomsday vault inside the vault itself back in 2008. The latest snafu has renewed calls for his resignation or at least a reassignment to bathroom duty where he is less likely to bring about a sudden end to humankind. And to keep him as far away from the TV cameras to which he continues to sneak to and pose as a poetic theorist and prophetic philosopher.
"Actually, if you ever go to the bathroom after having some of Dr. Vangaard's famous Shepherd's Pie, you think the world's ending in a big way," noted Schnell.
This news comes in the wake of an announcement by a coalition of world governments that despite the recent havoc wreaked by numerous natural disasters such as the earthquakes in Northwestern Kashmir and the Kuril Islands, the world is "definintely not ending, nuh-uh." As word of the doomsday situation reached the White House, reports say President Barack Obama breathed a huge sigh of relief and then offered cigars to all the gathered media -- I don't smoke, but took one as a suvenir... Souvenir? What am I saying? We are talking about the end of days here, for Christsake...
"Wow, saved by the bell - or the, uhh, death knell, as it were," Obama said as he took his first puff. "Guess I don't have to worry about all this healthcare crap anymore. Thank God, too, because it was, uhh, just becoming this huge hassle.
"Looks like they were right about a second term, too," Obama added. "Whiskey, anyone?" That, I took a double one... I really needed it.
However, a growing faction of rogue scientists and Internet bloggers, including my favorite, Peter, who has nothing but great things to say about me, even if not all of them are true, are questioning the validity of the whole doomsday clock concept, noting -- perhaps correctly -- that we are actually still here and that the U.S. government wouldn't let the world end less than a month before taxes are due [Editor's note: and Anderson has not come out of the closet yet!]. They said it's like Y2K "all over again."
"I think the fact that Ashton Kutcher is back on primetime television right now is more of a sign of the End Times than any doomsday clock," said theologian Seth Gunderson, creator of the famed Ashton Kutcher Apocalyptic Scale. "If he ever teams up with Pauly Shore for a movie, you best kiss your loved ones goodbye."
In the meantime, the Obama administration has begun handing out free rain ponchos to Americans in the event that the end of the world includes a cataclysmic rainstorm, "so at least we can stay dry," the president said. "Well, except for the very bottom part of your legs. Not much I can do about that."
I helped myself to a poncho too, you know, as a souvenir... U-uh? I think I went through that already...
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