Anderson Cooper Says 'No' to Ellen; Oprah Says 'Yes'
by Lily Shavick | Article Date: 03/22/2009 3:00 AM

Who says 'no' to America's daytime talk show sweetheart, Ellen DeGeneres?
Even Oprah said yes, surprising Ellen with the news the she wants the EmmyA ward-winning wife of Portia De Rossi to join her on the cover of O Magazine.
But leave it to stoic host of CNN’s 360 to deny Ellen’s decree that we all 'dance to our own beat.'
Anderson explained to the out comedienne, "I was raised to supress all my emotions — I can't be publicly expressing things."
Anderson won some favor back however by sharing his reality TV guilty pleasures. Cooper shared that while he finds the Houswives of the OC and NYC just too horrid, he finds the Atlanta ladies deliciously fun to watch. (Go team NeNe!)

The silver fox reporter did relent to some of the Ellen Show fun, engaging in a rousing round of ‘Celebrity!’ with the NBC host.
Way to bring it, Jeopardy champ!
friendly and unaffected as he's always been.
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