PS: Listen to the ominous music starting from frame one, its very good especially for the occasion, but please don't get scared.
One of the best things about this Challenge is that you get to choose from among 10 hosts, obviously, I chose Anderson; but you could go with Wolf Blitzer, Rick Sanchez, Larry King, John Roberts, the 5 guys; Christiane Amanpour, Kiran Chetry, Campbell Brown, Soledad O'Brien, Robin Meade, the 5 gals.
Go to where you'll need to "Register" or "Sign In" it's free.
Then you click on "Entertainment"
In "Entertainment" you'll see this "Take the CNN Challenge" announcement, clik on it:
By clicking on that announcement you'll get a short, cute ad for the Challenge, which you can "skip" if you want to get started Pronto! Pronto means you'll get to choose your "guide:"
Notice that Anderson is in the middle... hmm? It clearly means that he is the best of them and you should choose him! Obviously. Take your time with this group before you choose Anderson and listen to each one of them as they introduce themselves and tell you why you should choose him or her -- they all claim to be the best guide; but we all know who the real "best" is, don't we?
Once you've selected Anderson and you hear his introduction to the game, when he is finished you have to click the "Start" button and you'll see him coming into the room -- No, not YOUR room, although, wouldn't that be phenomenal!
Just pay attention and he'll tell you quite a few sweet nothings... did I say thaaat? Pardon me, my imagination got me too carried away. Anderson will tell you quite a few instructions and then you'll be ready to "begin:"
You'll have three sections with five questions each and 30 seconds to answer each question... Pfeew! It's exhausting. I'd rather be watching Anderson talking sweet nothings in my ear...!
Complicated, you say? Just try the challenge while looking and hearing Anderson talking to you, you'll be all lovey eyes, mouth agape, numb minded, and trying your best to catch his every word hoping to hear "I want to get together with you..." Instructions? Oh! Yeah, the instructions... What?
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