Monday, November 30, 2009
He's Baaaaaacccckk!!!
Statler and Waldorf

White House Security Breached Again, By Muppets

I asked them how they got in to the affair, Statler said that they had "entered a contest."
"Yeah, and we lost!" added Waldorf, prompting the two of them to laugh riotously -- and me too.
According to Secret Service spokesman James Mackey, the security failure occurred at the initial checkpoint. He said the Muppets should have been turned away when Waldorf said, "I have our tickets right here," and Statler turned to him and asked, "Are they good seats?" prompting Waldorf to respond, "Sure are - they're on the next train out of town!" Then they both guffawed until they were waved through to the next checkpoint.

"In our defense, these Muppets are not especially well-known," added Mackey. "If it had been Miss Piggy and Kermit, or even Rowlf and Gonzo, I think that would have raised some red flags." Mackey declined to comment as to whether he thought Statler and Waldorf were more recognizable than Pepe the King Prawn and Zoot, the saxophone player in the Electric Mayhem.
Apparently Statler and Waldorf mingled with guests for several hours, even getting into a long discussion with Vice President Joe Biden, who apparently thought they were a wealthy homosexual couple upset about the military's policies toward gay recruits.

"Yeah, because we were going to tell him how bad the dinner was, whether he asked or not!" said Waldorf. "Wauh-ha-ha-ha!"
I giggled.
The breach was especially embarrassing coming in the wake of last week's incident, in which Michaele and Tareq Salahi, a Virginia couple auditioning for a Bravo reality show, somehow made their way past security. It has since been discovered that the couple had also crashed Ted Kennedy's funeral and President Obama's last joint address to Congress, where Tareq Salahi has been spotted on video, prodding congressman Joe Wilson as he yelled "You lie!"
For his part, Obama says there is no excuse for the lapse. "First of all, security at the White House should be, you know, state of the art," Obama told me. "But especially in this case, when the guests were being followed by three puppeteers with their hands up their butts."
Statler and Waldarf were apparently there as part of a publicity stunt to promote a book they have coming out in 2010, "From the Balcony," which is said to include explicit details of their trysts with silent film star Dolores del Rio. And they were unapologetic about their escapade.
"All's well that ends well," noted Statler, prompting Waldorf to respond, "Doesn't matter to me, as long as it ends!" Then the laughter continued -- I couldn't help it and I laughed too.
Vote Like It's 2005
Anderson Cooper is nowhere to be seen in the competition this year. Aah! But you can write your own choice. All you have to do is vote for Oprah Winfrey... just kidding, but if you vote for Oprah I'll like you a lot more. Anyway, click Vote on your favorite news person -- but Oprah stands out! Really. And in the next screen you can write Anderson Cooper, anchorman of Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN. And click VOTE (again). Vote for Anderson here: I Want Media |

The CNN newsman is voted the year's "media icon."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The readers of I Want Media nominated 10 candidates and sent thousands of hits to the two-week-long Internet poll. The winner last year, in 2004, was Jon Stewart of Comedy Central -- a "fake" news anchor.
Following Cooper, the figures who earned the most votes this year were, in order: Steve Jobs; Howard Stern; Google guys Sergey Brin and Larry Page; and Martha Stewart.
.............. Play Forward to 2009:
Anderson Cooper is nowhere to be seen in the competition this year. Aah! But you can write your own choice. All you have to do is vote for Oprah Winfrey... just kidding, but if you vote for Oprah I'll like you a lot more. Anyway, click Vote on your favorite news person -- but Oprah stands out! Really. And in the next screen you can write Anderson Cooper, anchorman of Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN. And click VOTE (again). Vote for Anderson here: I Want Media |

Who Should Be Named 2009 Media Person of the Year?
Blog queen Arianna Huffington was voted the top figure in media in 2008. Make your pick from among this year's 10 contenders.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Who was the leading personality in the media industry in 2009? Who left a lasting imprint — for good or ill? Cast your vote in I Want Media's eighth annual online election to name the Media Person of the Year.
Readers of I Want Media have again suggested an eclectic group of candidates to be considered for recognition as the year's most memorable media biz figure.
The voting is open until 12 midnight ET this Sunday, Dec. 6, with the winner to be announced the following morning.
Who's your choice? Here are the 10 finalists:
Tim Armstrong (Google's Advertising)
Glenn Beck (Fox Idiot)
Lou Dobbs (TV Unemployed Idiot)
Jay Leno (Late-night Host)
David Letterman (Late-night Host)
Rupert Murdoch (Newspaper Fucker Mogul)
Si Newhouse (Conde Nast Chief)
Redbox ($1 DVD Rental Box)
Twitter Guys (Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone & Evan Williams)
Oprah Winfrey (Goddess)
Balloon Boy Not an industry figure, but a cautionary media tale ... Don Draper Not a real person, yet "Mad Men" became even more addicting in its third season ... Nikki Finke Sold her must-read infotainment industry news site and bitch slapped The New Yorker ... Harvey Levin Broke the news of Michael Jackson's death on TMZ; still got no respect ... John Micklethwait Both Newsweek and BusinessWeek want to emulate his Economist magazine ... Brian Roberts Aspired to become a major media player with his quest to scoop up NBC Universal ... Diane Sawyer Poised to follow Katie Couric as the second woman to take the evening news anchor chair.
The 2009 Media Person of the Year will be announced Monday, December 7, 2009.
Anderson Cooper is nowhere to be seen in the competition this year. Aah! But you can write your own choice. All you have to do is vote for Oprah Winfrey... just kidding, but if you vote for Oprah I'll like you a lot more. Anyway, click Vote on your favorite news person -- but Oprah stands out! Really. And in the next screen you can write Anderson Cooper, anchorman of Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN. And click VOTE (again). Vote for Anderson here: I Want Media |
Gay in Gay Paree
Anderson's Vacay In Gay Paree
Filed under: Gay Gay Gay > Anderson Cooper
Not one, but TWO very Perezicious readers have informed us that they spotted seksi CNN anchorman Anderson Cooper at a well-known gay bar in Paris on Saturday night!
With his boyfriend bar owner Benjamin Maisani!
But Andy wasn't too keen on seeing either of our readers!
Apparently Cooper "got freaked out and left the bar" after one Perezicious reader came up to him at the Raidd Bar.
Whatcha hiding, Andy????
[Image via WENN.]
Posted: November 30, 2009 at 8:45 am
The Next Silver Fox

by eliesheva
The next Anderson Cooper. from eliesheva on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mmmm ...Turducken
A Vegetarian's Delicious Nightmare...!
(06:55 min.) A longish video posted by the Chef himself, with Anderson appearances at the beginning and then at about 3:30, 4:25, 5:12, 5:24 (pay close attention to this one; he doesn't answer, he only giggles his contagious giggling), 5:50 and 6:30
From: ChefPaulPrudhomme
Added: April 11, 2008 [Why would somebody upload a Thanksgiving turkey diner video on April...? I don't know, but I'm sure glad Chef Prudhomme did!]
Description: Anderson Cooper of CNN interviews Chef Paul Prudhomme about cooking a Turducken.

And then... There was someone with too much time on his hands -- just like me!
Anderson Cooper Turducken
(00:28 min.)
From: whatgetsmehot
Added: November 29, 2009

(06:55 min.) A longish video posted by the Chef himself, with Anderson appearances at the beginning and then at about 3:30, 4:25, 5:12, 5:24 (pay close attention to this one; he doesn't answer, he only giggles his contagious giggling), 5:50 and 6:30
From: ChefPaulPrudhomme
Added: April 11, 2008 [Why would somebody upload a Thanksgiving turkey diner video on April...? I don't know, but I'm sure glad Chef Prudhomme did!]
Description: Anderson Cooper of CNN interviews Chef Paul Prudhomme about cooking a Turducken.
And then... There was someone with too much time on his hands -- just like me!
(00:28 min.)
From: whatgetsmehot
Added: November 29, 2009
When In Doubt...
...Make Another Cube!
...On the Cover of A Magazine... VOGUE. or BestLife, or Web MD, or LIFE, or Outside, or Men's Journal...
[or Playgirl... (my face's so red)] 
You can also make your own gorgeous Cube at:
MYPhotoCube Generator
All you need is 6 pictures between 200 and 210 pixels square ea.
Pay attention to the little "select buttons" at the bottom of the generator, from left to right: Glow - Color - Alpha.
• Glow, of course refers to the glow around the cube. If you don't wasn't to glow, simply deselect this box.
• Color, by clicking on this box you can select the color of the glow.
• Alpha, by deselecting this box you can make the cube solid, so you won't see the pictures behind the front pictures.
The "X" and "Y" boxes I would leave alone; they modify the rotation of the cube, but you can make a little disaster if you enter the wrong numbers. Touch them at your own risk!
[or Playgirl... (my face's so red)]

MYPhotoCube Generator
All you need is 6 pictures between 200 and 210 pixels square ea.
Pay attention to the little "select buttons" at the bottom of the generator, from left to right: Glow - Color - Alpha.
• Glow, of course refers to the glow around the cube. If you don't wasn't to glow, simply deselect this box.
• Color, by clicking on this box you can select the color of the glow.
• Alpha, by deselecting this box you can make the cube solid, so you won't see the pictures behind the front pictures.
The "X" and "Y" boxes I would leave alone; they modify the rotation of the cube, but you can make a little disaster if you enter the wrong numbers. Touch them at your own risk!
USA Weekly -- "Man on the Street"
...And What A Hunk Of A Man He Is!
Remember this absolutely beautiful layout?
September 14, 2008 -- Aah! Those were the days!
They don't make layouts like this no more.
September 14, 2008 -- Aah! Those were the days!
They don't make layouts like this no more.
This set-up was the first of the photo shoot. Cooper and the crew spent about an hour on the roof before heading back inside for more pics. |
Getting a good shot, with the New York skyline in the background. |
This set, with the red couch and red backdrop, ended up being what was used for USA WEEKEND's cover shot. |
Lots going on in the background, but Cooper was focused on the photo shoot. |
Cooper used his own backpack for this shot. |
Notice Cooper's toned biceps -- more than one person on the shoot commented on them. |
Cooper was all for it when the idea of a "man on the street" photo was pitched. |
A Shot Without Anderson...
...Is like a Day Without Sunshine! Too cliche? How about this: A shot without Anderson is like a shot of Tequila where the worm got in and you didn't notice until it was too late! Aha! That was better, huh?

November 24, 2009
The Shot: Eating the evidence
Posted: 10:16 AM ET
November 24, 2009
The Shot: Eating the evidence
Posted: 10:16 AM ET
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Where Is Anderson?
I Have Not A Clue...
Now that he has a boyfriend, he disappears for weeks at the time, and he doesn't tell anybody where he is going, probably no even to his Mother!
What does that mean, besides the fact that he is having the time of his life? It means that we go dry... No Anderson, no news, no nothing until the tabloids and Perez Hilton find out where he and Benjamin are. In the mean time... in the mean time... We'll have to make do...
Have you seen Google's latest graphic? It's a beautiful bird... Yes, pretty colors... and its elegant...!
Besides, the bird can... fly...!
On another news... What am I saying? There are no other news! Only old recycled material. So with no further ado, let me enjoy you with these beautifully sexy pictures of Anderson and Jeff Corwin, remember Jeff? He's working on a documentary for... for one of the "other" channels, besides The Discovery Channel, but I forget which.

Is he naked?!
I can't really tell, but he is covered by frogs. I guess that is the best way to keep Anderson away.
Not that Jeff would want to do that.

Isn't he cute? Even when he is fully clothed. But then, maybe he is not wearing pants!
Now, for the real (old) news. Don't they make a beautiful couple together...? But I guess Anderson was waiting for what the future might bring, and what a good prognosticator he is! Enjoy!

And baby makes three.

"Are we there yet?"

"Where did this baby come from? Is he yours, Anderson?"

"What have you been smoking, Jeff?"

"Do you think anybody can see us here?"

"Is this one of yours too, Anderson? Jeeez! It seems that you can get around this jungle a lot better than I do, don't you?"
Now that he has a boyfriend, he disappears for weeks at the time, and he doesn't tell anybody where he is going, probably no even to his Mother!
What does that mean, besides the fact that he is having the time of his life? It means that we go dry... No Anderson, no news, no nothing until the tabloids and Perez Hilton find out where he and Benjamin are. In the mean time... in the mean time... We'll have to make do...
Have you seen Google's latest graphic? It's a beautiful bird... Yes, pretty colors... and its elegant...!

On another news... What am I saying? There are no other news! Only old recycled material. So with no further ado, let me enjoy you with these beautifully sexy pictures of Anderson and Jeff Corwin, remember Jeff? He's working on a documentary for... for one of the "other" channels, besides The Discovery Channel, but I forget which.

Not that Jeff would want to do that.
Now, for the real (old) news. Don't they make a beautiful couple together...? But I guess Anderson was waiting for what the future might bring, and what a good prognosticator he is! Enjoy!
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Priest's Son!
An oxymoron, you say? Keep reading...

November 27, 2009
Priest's secret son
Posted: 03:14 PM ET
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November 27, 2009
Priest's secret son
Posted: 03:14 PM ET
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Beat 360° -- 11-27-09
November 27, 2009
Beat 360° 11/27/09
Posted: 04:09 PM ET
60 Comments | Add a comment
Ready for today's Beat 360°? Everyday we post a picture – and you provide the caption and our staff will join in too. Tune in tonight at 10pm to see if you are our favorite! Here is the 'Beat 360°' pic:
Traders work the floor at the New York Stock Exchange, some with their children on the NYSE's Kid's Day, on November 27, 2009 in New York City. (Getty Images)

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