Friday, July 31, 2009
More Tongue Kissing

Anderson Cooper Prods Jillian Harris About Her Sexy Times
Posted by: Justine Fields -- 10:20AM, Friday July 31st 2009
Anderson Cooper jumped right into his interview with ex-Bachelorette Jillian Harris on “Regis & Kelly” the other day with the juiciest question: “How many guys did you actually sleep with?” While Jillian, Kelly, and the audience gasp, Jillian’s beau, Ed, just sits there laughing ... cause he probably wants to know, too. Though Anderson wasn’t the one who was giving oily massages and making out in hot tubs on national TV, I think it’s safe to say he wouldn’t be too thrilled if someone asked him about his sex life on air. [via Gawker]
Apropos de strap-ons, a Non-Anderson link courtesy of The Frisky:

Tea-bags & Strap-ons
TCA Press Tour: Robin Williams returns to stand-up, tests out new material on critics
06:23 PM PT, Jul 30 2009

But was it a good idea?
A relatively restrained Robin Williams took to the stage this afternoon to hawk for his HBO stand-up special “Robin Williams: Weapons of Self-Destruction.” The program will be taped during his November appearance in Washington, D.C., one of the stops on his sold-out national tour.
Williams had heart surgery in March, and the comedian was clearly making an effort to stay calm -- calmer than his usual uproarious antics -- while trying out some new material on critics in attendance.
You can be the judge. Here’s a sampling:
On why he was returning to touring and stand-up: “I’ve run out of money from ‘Bicentennial Man.'”
On his reaction to the Rachel Maddow tea-bagging comment: “It’s like saying Anderson Cooper’s the king of strap-ons.”
On having sex now that he allegedly has a cow valve in his heart, post surgery: It's like “a duel to the death between your penis and your heart. It’s like a civil war reenactment in a wheelchair.”
On his latest film “World’s Greatest Dad”: “It’s like ‘Dead Penis Society.’”
On how to find humor in Obama: He's "a combination of Walter Cronkite and Paul Robeson."
On Twitter etiquette: “Is it proper etiquette to Twitter during sex? ‘OMG. OMG.’”
On whether the press counted as a test audience: “You are a test audience -- and a tough one at that.”
Williams added: “I just realized I got a…load of work to do, but I got three months, so this is a good beginning.”
“Weapons of Self-Destruction” airs Dec. 6.
-- Denise Martin
Photo credit: Associated Press
Thursday, July 30, 2009
100 Days - Part 2

CNN Running "Second 100 Days" Special Thursday
Next Thursday (August 6th), CNN's primetime schedule will feature a few changes from the usual evening line-up to commemorate the second 100 days of the Obama presidency.
At 8pmET, CNN will air "The CNN National Report Card: Second 100 Days" followed by Anderson Cooper at 10pmET. The two-hour "Report Card" special will reair at midnight and 4amET and will act as a sequel of sorts to the "First 100 Days" special CNN ran in April.
Viewers can go here to cast votes for the interactive portion of the special.
20 Min. of Live w/A & K

There's way too much stuff on Regis & Kelly's desk
Posted Jul 30th 2009 11:41AM by Bob Sassone
When a guest host subs for the regular host on a talk show, it's often a real letdown. But that's not the case when Anderson Cooper sits in for Regis on Live with Regis & Kelly. You can be guaranteed at least one very funny moment. Like yesterday, when he made Kelly laugh so hard something terrible happened. (He's co-host today, too.)
What more proof does anyone need to get convinced that Anderson is the most adorable person in the world? All anyone needs is to do is watch any one minute of this video and he/she will get hooked forever by his charms, by the way he talks, by the way he laughs, the things he says, the small anecdotes of his childhood ('cuseme, 'cuseme), the way he speaks (Manhaddan, buddon), the sincerity of his words, the innocence with which he tells his stories... He is smart, lovable and a child all at the same time: the perfect combination. And he doesn't even know it, he just continues to be himself and that's all it takes for one to feel like hugging him and never let go! Aaaah Anderson, although everybody should be like you, I'm glad there is only one of you. That way we can address our emotions and admiration in one direction only.
How Many Have You Slept With, Anderson?
From: DrXexio
Added: July 30, 2009
Description: LIve With Regis & Kelly 07/29/09 part-6/7
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Anderson for Children

Tenth Annual Fall Gala
Honorary Chairs Nina and Mitch Davidson • Oscar de la Renta • Susan and Tony Gilroy •Nancy and Andrew Jarecki • Kevin Liles • Shirin von Wulffen and Frederic Fekkai • Stephanie and David Wolkoff Fall Gala Co-Chairs Request the pleasure of your company at the New Yorkers For Children Tenth Annual Fall Gala Honoring Mary J. Blige Philanthropist and Founder of FFAWN Hosted by Anderson Cooper CNN Anchor Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Cipriani 42 • New York City Cocktails at 6:30pm Dinner, live auction, and entertainment to follow Black tie |
Just A Little?!!

TMI: The Bachelorette on going "French"

Anderson Cooper sat in as guest co-host on "Live with Regis and Kelly" today.
And during the interview with Jillian Harris, ABC's "The Bachelorette," and the bachelor she gave her rose/heart to, Ed Swiderski, Anderson asked Jillian: "How many guys did you sleep with?"
Jillian didn't answer, but she did offer this:
"I kissed 10 guys, but only four with tongue."
"I just threw up in my mouth ... a little," Anderson said.
I have to watch this show more often.
| by Lisa Gutierrez
A Conan to Die For...
No No Ne Ne, Again

(July 29, 2009)
ATL'S NENE TALKS ANDERSON COOPER AND KIM'S WIG: Atlanta housewife trying to figure out why CNN's Silver Fox hasn't called her.
*NeNe Leakes of Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" is still trying to hook up with her crush, CNN's Anderson Cooper, but even though he admitted to being one of her biggest fans, her quest to meet him hasn't gone very well.
"I follow him on Twitter and he follows me," NeNe tells E! Online's Marc Malkin. "But we haven't talked. I'm going to New York in August, and I swear to God I'm going to his office and knocking on the door. I'm going to be like, 'What is your problem? Why haven't you called me?'"
As for the upcoming season of "Housewives," she had an immediate issue with newest cast member Kandi Burruss, who replaces DeShawn Snow in the second season. NeNe blames on-again off-again pal Kim Zolciak for the tension.
"I think Kim has been feeding negative things about me," NeNe says.
"And instead of Kandi getting to know me for herself, she just prejudged me.Most people like me, but I just find women who are very weak let someone get it in their ear and they prejudge."
NeNe isn't the only housewife with drama this year. A promo for upcoming episodes shows one argument ending with cast member Sheree Whitfield pulling Kim's wig.
"Last year Sheree and Kim were friends, but this year she pulls Kim's wig," NeNe says, laughing. "Drama, honey! I was right there, too. I was like, I don't know whether to stop y'all or say, 'Keep going!'"
Are these Georgia divas trying to give the Garden State ladies of The Real Housewives of New Jersey a run for their catfight money? You betcha.
"We're the queens, honey," NeNe says. "We're back to take our crowns.
New Jersey don't have nothing on us! They flipped a table, but we go and flip some weaves."
Don't be surprised if Anderson takes the full month of August off; or at least he'll go to a remote and inaccessible land where some jealous husband caught his wife with her boyfriend and killed him and his wife and is "suspected" that the very clear prints on the bloody knife are his. Anderson would follow the case for the whole month of August going to bed every night praying the case lasts all month!
UPDATE: I just got a news bulletin from this undisclosed island in the middle of the anonymous ocean saying that the husband killed the boyfriend, not because he was his wife's lover, but because he was HIS lover! The plot thickens...
Main while, back at Anderson's CNN New York office some precautions have been taken to keep relentless admirers out of the way...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hold Hands w/Handsome Timothy G.
Timothy Geithner is the Treasury Secretary of the USA. He's so desirable because he is handsome and has access to a lot of money!... Well, he is handsome.

July 28, 2009
Beat 360° 7/28/09
Posted: 05:02 PM ET
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Ready for today’s Beat 360°? Everyday we post a picture – and you provide the caption and our staff will join in too. Tune in tonight at 10pm to see if you are our favorite! Here is the ‘Beat 360°’ pic:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner stretches to fetch Chinese vice premier Wang Qishan in the right direction to the meeting room after posing for photographs with other principals before for the Economic Track Principal Meeting of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. (Photo credit : JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

Hey, hey, guys! Didn't you hear the cameraman? He said "hold hands everybody"!

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July 28, 2009
Beat 360° 7/28/09
Posted: 05:02 PM ET
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Ready for today’s Beat 360°? Everyday we post a picture – and you provide the caption and our staff will join in too. Tune in tonight at 10pm to see if you are our favorite! Here is the ‘Beat 360°’ pic:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner stretches to fetch Chinese vice premier Wang Qishan in the right direction to the meeting room after posing for photographs with other principals before for the Economic Track Principal Meeting of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. (Photo credit : JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

Participate, win and get a T-shirt!
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Bitten by Blitzer?!

From: PeterGay
Added: July 28, 2009
Description: Anderson Cooper got bit by a werewolf. Or, did he do the biting?
Great music, "Bit By A Werewolf," by Andrew Luckless at, where you can listen to many other of his original music.
Yesterday News Today
Michael Jackson's Drugs and Palin Stupid Press Conference to Say Good Riddens (Riddance) to Alaska.

Monday, July 27, 2009
AC's Weight
Here is a little (old -- Sep. 2005) insight into the question from "Wooden Spears" a couple of post below about Anderson's weight. Plus a few other AnderFacts that are fun to re-read and revisit. Enjoy!
Anderson Cooper: What I Did for Cox
By Jesse, 1:02 PM on Thu Sep 29 2005, 3,494 views
The Yale Daily News profiles alumnus Anderson Cooper, and it provides us with both a window into his obsessive nature and insight into his sexy silver tresses:
Cooper '89 Brings Intensity to News [Yale Daily News]

By Jesse, 1:02 PM on Thu Sep 29 2005, 3,494 views

- "After failing to keep up with his teammates and having his dreams of rowing dashed, Cooper found another seat for himself at the front of the boat. At 5-feet-10, Cooper decided to go down to 125 pounds to make race weight as a coxswain.
"It was sort of absurd," Cooper said. "I was probably normally 145 or 150 regularly, so it was a little extreme looking back on it. It's probably why I went grey early...."
- "Despite his heavy commitment to crew and his academics, his friends remember him for many of his other qualities: his ability to sleep through anything, his propensity to borrow clothing, the toys he accumulated, the impressions he could do of people, the way he always had a bevy of girls with crushes on him...."
Cooper '89 Brings Intensity to News [Yale Daily News]
Aah, Anderson!

From: BellovVideo
Added: July 27, 2009
Description: Final version of Action Against Hunger Honoree Anderson Cooper remarks at the 2008 Gala honoring him Claude Chigangu in New York City - - for review and approval
74 Minutes of Gloria

74 Minutes With Gloria Vanderbilt
The former lover of Brando and Sinatra shocked her friends (and her son) with her dirty novel. Then it turned out to be a success.
By Jada Yuan -- Published Jul 26, 2009

Today, Vanderbilt paints. Five days before, she’d been fêted at good friend Diane Von Furstenberg’s store below the High Line for a different, but not wholly unrelated, artistic pursuit, her recently published book, Obsession: An Erotic Tale. Cooper, who has joked, “The six most surprising words a mother can say to her son are ‘Honey, I’m writing an erotic novel,’ ” couldn’t make it, though his absence likely had little to do with filial shame. Vanderbilt says she has only “two friends who thought the book would ruin my reputation, but they’re very square, very Waspy. The idea, I think, was that people have a certain image of me and it would be confusing that I would write an erotic book. But little do they know me!”
Certainly, as the heiress to a vast railroad fortune, Vanderbilt ran in the best New York circles. But she also went through four marriages—one to director Sidney Lumet—and affairs with Marlon Brando (“fleeting but fun”), Gene Kelly (“like Brando”), Howard Hughes (“very private”), and Frank Sinatra (“magical”). That she knows a thing or two about sex should come as a shock to no one.
These days, Vanderbilt shuffles more than she walks, and by 3 p.m., her energy gone, she’ll head upstairs for a nap and Judge Judy. But there are advantages to old age, too: “I couldn’t have written this book as a younger person.” Indeed, the novel, a Buñuel-esque mystery about Priscilla, the straitlaced wife of a prominent architect who discovers graphic letters of his affair with a courtesan upon his sudden death, is written with the kind of poetic authority that can only come from experience. And somehow Vanderbilt manages to build suspense and empathy while describing a spanking with a Mason Pearson brush, “throbbing drumlike” genitalia, and fresh carrots being thrust in the most unspeakable places. “A lot of it’s meant to be funny,” she says.
Her friends are even coming around now that Joyce Carol Oates gave it a rave blurb. And her publisher told her it was 80th on Amazon in its first week. “I said, ‘That doesn’t sound so hot!’ And he said, ‘No, no, we’re dealing with werewolves and vampires, so that is very good.’ ”
While promoting the book, Vanderbilt, who keeps an out-of-state lover, has become a sexual guru to the postmenopausal. “I do know some women who, as they get older, think that sex is over. And I just think it’s over for them. I think the quality gets better.” She advises taking it slow. “If we’re talking about sex as a slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am thing, that’s not sexy, even though for a lot of powerful men, that’s what their sexuality is. I think as you get older, you really want more sensuality, more chocolate sprinkles and clouds from heaven. And not … quick. I mean, more or less,” she chuckles. “Usually more is better.”
She’s also become a staunch advocate of not faking orgasms, which Priscilla does for her whole marriage and Vanderbilt admits she’s done, too. “But not recently,” she says. “Growing up, so many of us really got a sense of ourselves through the man that we were married to, and that’s very sad. I did an interview with Diane after the party, and we were asked, ‘Is it better to be a maîtresse or a wife?’ And we both together said, ‘Maîtresse!’ ”
Old News Now
We already knew that Anderson showers in his boxer shorts when in public. The question that still remains unanswered, at least for me, is: After the shower, how does he put on his pants without first removing his wet boxer shorts? Or does he put his pants over the wet shorts?! Inquiring minds want to know... Okay, okay. Minds in the gutter want to know!

Anderson Cooper Does Not Want To Be Caught Naked
June 26, 2009 by OxfordWright1
Rumour has it that Anderson Cooper of CNN showers with his boxer briefs when he’s in a public bathroom.
This rumour was confirmed by co-members at Anderson’s gym in New York City. Since Anderson Cooper is a public figure, he is smart enough to get himself out of the controversies and make people focus on substantial discussions. People might get photos of him while taking a bath so he secures his reputation by showering with boxers. Well at least, he’s half-naked.
The folks at "Wooden Spears" have also just started a page with information about Anderson's bio. It's still very scrappy and they are requesting data -- as if there wasn't enough bios of Anderson out there already. Yet, this scrappy bio gave me a new number I didn't know: Anderson's height, he is 5' 10", that's news to me, he is only 5" taller than I am :-)
They are asking if anybody knows his weight. I don't but if you do, please let me know and let them know at: Wooden Spears -- Anderson Cooper Biography

Anderson Cooper Biography
July 25, 2009 by Richie Berges

Name:.................. Anderson Cooper
Date Of Birth:....... 3-Jun-67
Place Of Birth:...... New York City, New York, USA
Height:................. 5′ 10"
Weight:................ Be the first to add this
Nationality:.......... American
Celebrity Status:... American journalist, author, and a television personality
Update this Bio
Anderson Cooper Biography
Filed Under:........ Actors
Tagged:............... Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper bio, Anderson Cooper height, Anderson Cooper naked, Anderson Cooper Pics, Anderson Cooper weight
Curious fact, "Wooden Spears" list Anderson under Actors, the same way the cute guy, Taylorblue, lists him two posts below in the "Top TEN Sexy Actors Over 40!" post. I wonder what Anderson thinks about this, if he thinks about it at all? That people tend to confuse him with a celebrity as in Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ben Affleck... and never list him or compare him with Brian Williams, Keith Olbermann, Nic Robertson, Richard Engle... Lou Dobbs (Pffftt!!).

Anderson Cooper Does Not Want To Be Caught Naked

Rumour has it that Anderson Cooper of CNN showers with his boxer briefs when he’s in a public bathroom.
This rumour was confirmed by co-members at Anderson’s gym in New York City. Since Anderson Cooper is a public figure, he is smart enough to get himself out of the controversies and make people focus on substantial discussions. People might get photos of him while taking a bath so he secures his reputation by showering with boxers. Well at least, he’s half-naked.
The folks at "Wooden Spears" have also just started a page with information about Anderson's bio. It's still very scrappy and they are requesting data -- as if there wasn't enough bios of Anderson out there already. Yet, this scrappy bio gave me a new number I didn't know: Anderson's height, he is 5' 10", that's news to me, he is only 5" taller than I am :-)
They are asking if anybody knows his weight. I don't but if you do, please let me know and let them know at: Wooden Spears -- Anderson Cooper Biography

Anderson Cooper Biography
July 25, 2009 by Richie Berges

Name:.................. Anderson Cooper
Date Of Birth:....... 3-Jun-67
Place Of Birth:...... New York City, New York, USA
Height:................. 5′ 10"
Weight:................ Be the first to add this
Nationality:.......... American
Celebrity Status:... American journalist, author, and a television personality
Update this Bio
Anderson Cooper Biography
Filed Under:........ Actors
Tagged:............... Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper bio, Anderson Cooper height, Anderson Cooper naked, Anderson Cooper Pics, Anderson Cooper weight
Curious fact, "Wooden Spears" list Anderson under Actors, the same way the cute guy, Taylorblue, lists him two posts below in the "Top TEN Sexy Actors Over 40!" post. I wonder what Anderson thinks about this, if he thinks about it at all? That people tend to confuse him with a celebrity as in Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ben Affleck... and never list him or compare him with Brian Williams, Keith Olbermann, Nic Robertson, Richard Engle... Lou Dobbs (Pffftt!!).
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Another (Flawed) List
Although Anderson is not an actor, nor is President Barack Obama, I am glad they are included in this list. Or, is Mr. Cutie Taylorblue trying to tell us something about Anderson's and Obama's sincerity...? I'm sure Cutie Taylor had his best intentions at heart and included the two of them mostly because how can you put President Obama in the "TEN Sexy Presidents Over 40" list? Or Anderson in the "TEN Sexy Anchormen Over 40" list? I'm sure it would have required a lot of searching and a bit of lying.
On the other hand, I used to consider Mel Gibson one of the sexiest men on Earth, but since his antics came out, and he got older (and uglier), his charms diminished little by little until he wound up in the garbage can. I would have included Brad Pitt instead, he was born a day before I did (and [ahem] a few years later). Brad Pitt is a LOT sexier than that Mr. MG weird person. IMHO.
Anyway. Here is one more ten best this or the other list where Anderson is included, although not in the number one spot. I already sent a comment to Mr. Cutie Taylor requesting to amend his ways and do things the right way. Enjoy!

Top TEN Sexy Actors Over 40!
As promised, my top TEN post for the day. I have chosen to do Actors over 40, since people tend to forget just how sexy aging gracefully can be.
10.) Gerard Butler: He won you over in PS I Love You, I can definitely see why.
9.) Anderson Cooper: Sex appeal and intelligence. Rare, and yes please.
8.) Tom Hanks: Multi talented, and an understated sexy.
7.) Barack Obama: Tell me who acts more convincingly than the President, go ahead, I’ll wait. Mhmm, that’s what I thought. Anyway, sexy and in power. Nice.
6.) George Clooney: He has been on every sexy list since he was discovered I think. May as well keep him around,yeah?
5.) Hugh Jackman: I can’t explain the quiet sex appeal that IS Hugh Jackman. But it’s there.
4.) Hugh Laurie: Maybe it’s his sarcasm, maybe it’s his wit, maybe it’s his looks, or hell all three, all I know is ME-YOW.
3.) Mel Gibson: If I didn’t put Mel on this list,my own momma would get a hold of me. So, mom, this one is for you!
2.) Hugh Grant: His smile, his accent, he’s just very appealing to me.
and number one, for me, is the epitome of sexy over 40:
1.) Richard Gere: I’d be his Pretty Woman, you know, minus the whole prostitute thing. I,uh, wouldn’t want to have to do THAT.
[Images by Splash News]
DISCLAIMER: This posting was submitted by a user of the site not from The Insider editorial staff. All users have acknowledged and agreed that the submission of their story and its contents is in compliance with our Terms of Use

Sexiest over 40 Actor, Anchorman, Reporter, Journalist, Boyfriend, Pin Up Boy ... Everything!
On the other hand, I used to consider Mel Gibson one of the sexiest men on Earth, but since his antics came out, and he got older (and uglier), his charms diminished little by little until he wound up in the garbage can. I would have included Brad Pitt instead, he was born a day before I did (and [ahem] a few years later). Brad Pitt is a LOT sexier than that Mr. MG weird person. IMHO.
Anyway. Here is one more ten best this or the other list where Anderson is included, although not in the number one spot. I already sent a comment to Mr. Cutie Taylor requesting to amend his ways and do things the right way. Enjoy!

As promised, my top TEN post for the day. I have chosen to do Actors over 40, since people tend to forget just how sexy aging gracefully can be.
10.) Gerard Butler: He won you over in PS I Love You, I can definitely see why.
9.) Anderson Cooper: Sex appeal and intelligence. Rare, and yes please.
8.) Tom Hanks: Multi talented, and an understated sexy.
7.) Barack Obama: Tell me who acts more convincingly than the President, go ahead, I’ll wait. Mhmm, that’s what I thought. Anyway, sexy and in power. Nice.
6.) George Clooney: He has been on every sexy list since he was discovered I think. May as well keep him around,yeah?
5.) Hugh Jackman: I can’t explain the quiet sex appeal that IS Hugh Jackman. But it’s there.
4.) Hugh Laurie: Maybe it’s his sarcasm, maybe it’s his wit, maybe it’s his looks, or hell all three, all I know is ME-YOW.
3.) Mel Gibson: If I didn’t put Mel on this list,my own momma would get a hold of me. So, mom, this one is for you!
2.) Hugh Grant: His smile, his accent, he’s just very appealing to me.
and number one, for me, is the epitome of sexy over 40:
1.) Richard Gere: I’d be his Pretty Woman, you know, minus the whole prostitute thing. I,uh, wouldn’t want to have to do THAT.
[Images by Splash News]
DISCLAIMER: This posting was submitted by a user of the site not from The Insider editorial staff. All users have acknowledged and agreed that the submission of their story and its contents is in compliance with our Terms of Use
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