October 4th, 2012
11:58 PM ET
.. with Author and journalism professor Alan Schroeder reports.
Author and journalism professor Alan Schroeder provides historical analysis on the presidential debate performances.
Read Schroeder's op-ed for CNN Opinion
October 4th, 2012
11:43 PM ET
.. with Amy Cuddy and Gary Tuchman report.
Tonight on AC360° Amy Cuddy told Gary Tuchman, “Obama, is aware that as a black man, and this is supported very very well by good science, it is very risky for black men to show any signs of aggression. So, when a black man shows a sign of aggression, people say, ‘See!’ It confirms a stereotype of black men.”
We asked Cuddy for that science. She cites the following studies:
Abstract for "The Teddy-Bear Effect":
Full Study "The Teddy-Bear Effect" here:
The other studies Cuddy references are not publicly available, below are the names of the studies she cites and the links where they can be accessed privately:
Recent review of the science:
TITLE: Explaining bias against black leaders: Integrating theory on information processing and goal-based stereotyping.
AUTHOR(S): Carton, Andrew M.; Rosette, Ashleigh Shelby
PUB. DATE: December 2011
SOURCE: Academy of Management Journal;Dec2011, Vol. 54 Issue 6, p1141
Published here: http://amj.aom.org/content/54/6/1141.full.pdf+html
Study on how early in development these stereotypes are planted:
TITLE: Racial and behavioral cues in Black and White children's perceptions of ambiguously aggressive acts.
AUTHOR(S): By Sagar, H. Andrew; Schofield, Janet W.
SOURCE: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 39(4), Oct 1980, 590-598.
Published here: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/39/4/590/
October 4th, 2012
11:27 PM ET
Experts from both sides of the debate weigh in on the candidates' performances.
October 4th, 2012
11:21 PM ET
.. with David Gergen and Gloria Borger report.
Political analysts David Gergen and Gloria Borger discuss what "the new Mitt" means for the next leg of the race.
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