The Best Fake Twitter Accounts: Fake Rahm Emanuel, Fake Christopher Walken, Fake AP Stylebook, and More
By Mackenzie Schmidt in Featured, Mackenzie Schmidt, Twitter
Tuesday, Dec. 8 2009 @ 2:35PM
There are currently more than 120 Joe Jonases, at least 45 George Bushes, and exactly 13 Octomoms on Twitter. And while fake social networking profiles have been around since the dark ages of Friendster, the newest crop of Fakesters have embraced the most massive venue for Internet oversharers, the Twitterverse, and taken to revealing (or rather, imagining) the not-so-PC thoughts of celebrities from Sarah Palin to Anderson Cooper to Julius Caesar in 140-character updates. And while the site's administrators attempt to make thousands of poser accounts add the word "fake" to their usernames, not all do. We searched out the ones that have nailed the voice and personality of their real life counterparts brilliantly. Here, our 14 favorites.
[I will display only those Twitters that belong to Fake Anderson Cooper; for the rest you can read them here: Village Voice/Twitter]
6. @AC180. AC180 is a mocking play-by-play of Anderson Cooper's supposed inner thoughts. Drawing on the prayers of every silver-fox-loving gay man that Anderson Cooper might just be into dudes, typical Tweets from the CNN 360 star are concerned with wine coolers, decorative pillows, and hating on Wolf Blitzer.
.............And my own selections:
AC 180
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