Anderson Cooper Keeps Michele Bachmann Honest On ‘Gay Therapy’ Controversy
by Colby Hall | 9:35 am, July 13th, 2011
There is an old Native American saying that goes “the wind at the top of the totem pole blows a little harder,” and now that GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann finds herself at the top of many polls, the media scrutiny has gotten more intense. Take for example last night’s episode of CNN’s AC 360, which dedicated a number of segments to the brewing controversy over the Bachmann Family Clinic and the undercover reporting that alleged that counselors engaged in what is known as “reparative therapy,” or the conversion of a homosexual to hetero through prayer. Weird? Depends on your values I guess.
Last night, Anderson Cooper “kept them honest” with comprehensive coverage, videos of which are embedded below for your entertainment and edification. Rep. Bachmann refuesed to answer serious questions about the clinic she owns with her husband, Marcus, and hasn’t been talking about the controversial therapy it offers to gay people, despite a long history of speaking freely and often about homosexuality (and not always in the most tolerant nor understanding way.)
Watch Cooper’s first segment below (followed by Jim Acosta’s report on the Bachmann Family Clinic):
Acosta then filed a report on a controversial therapy provided at the Bachmann clinic:
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