Wow! Blogging is, like they say, like learning to ride a bike; once you learn it... I tell you. I thought I was going to need a week or so to get back on the track of things, but, after I cleared my junk mail, I've been posting for about 17 minutes and I feel as if I have never left. Welcoming me back! Welcoming you All back! I missed you, I missed Anderbloggiong.
Now, I'm here to review last month's Ander News. Pardon the late reporting, yet I think that Ander News are good visiting and revisiting. Well, let's get started:

Ahhh! But first -- I have not been idle all this time. Little by little I will be posting some new Ander Art that I have been creating just for you! Here is the first (three) titillating pictures: a small animation (that is: a-ni-ma-tion, not "a small" anything else, hear me? read me?), and it's two stills. Enjoy!
Now, for the (5/7/2009) news:

I mean, people on the subway were not pleased with this guy."
Anderson Cooper on the Tonight Show.
Cooper asked Jay Leno if he buys into the hype about the new swine flu strain. Jay's response was, "Well, I feel like it's Y2K."
Hey, we said that first!
And, "That's All Folks!" At least for tonight. The cable company connected me to the Internet kindda late tonite and I have a lot to catch up with -- not to mention go to bed at some time this evening...

Words cannot express how missed you were. Welcome back Peter
Hey Peter, I'm glad your back! Been busy but I kept checking back to see if you were back. Got great news to tell you. well, maybe. I'm a college graduate. well, I got my A.A. Now It's off to any University that will take this crazy lazy oh, and now I'm a blondie. yep blonde hair hazel eyes. Hmm...I wonder if Anderson would like a 5' blonde female to have fun with...{you can use your imagination with the word fun}. I'll do almost anything for{with} my andybear. Missed you peter. Have fun because life's too shot not to.-Purplegummiebeat
I know I spelled purple gummiebear wrong, sorry, I'm typing in the dark without my glasses on. lol. trying not to wake anyone up. gotta go before I do.
Mtzipor and Maureen,
How nice and wonderful to hear from you two once again. I missed you too and I am glad to be searching all over the Internet and various other places (actually, all over New York) for items to report to you. It's my pleasure and I an so glad it's yours too.
Thanks again for your kind words and let's keep on Andergoogling and ogling!
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